The evolution of the College

St.Joseph's Teachers Training Institute is managed by the Religious sisters of C.S.S.T. It was the cherished vision realized today which was dreamt a few centuries ago by the revered Mother Teresa of St. Rose of Lima-the foundress.
In the third five year plan, the Government of India, with a view to promote and encourage Primary education laid great emphasis on setting up Teacher's Training Institutes. As a result, four training institutes were established and St.Joseph's is one among them.
On the 15th of July in 1960 the institute saw the light of day. As per the accord reached between the Government and the Management, the institute was permitted to admit 100 candidates of which 25% was set aside for the in-service teachers and remaining for the minorities and backward classes. Sister Stella Maris, the founder of the institute functioned as the first superintendent.
Later, the government brought down the intake from 100 to 60 candidates. The institute, as a part of its Curriculum, trains them in value- based education. In order to build a balanced, informed and harmonious society the institute has been striving hard and consequently the output has been an invaluable gift to the society. It is an achievement par excellence!
Institute History

The institute of the Carmelite Sisters of St.Teresa(C.S.S.T) was founded in 1887. By Mother Teresa of Rose of Lima (1858-1902) since then many sister institutions were opened in India with some of the leading institutions like Mount Carmel College Banglore. Teresian College of Mysore, St. Teresa's College Ernakulam, St.Joseph's P.U. College, Gulbarga. St. Pauls P.U College, Davanagere, Nirmala P.U College. Kumta. Besides hundred of schools in India and abroad Africa, USA and the UAE. St. Joseph's Institution , Mandya is one among them. It is a religious minority institution established in the year 1942 in Mandya. Its doors are open to student of all castes and creed. Our institutions takes pride in their countless students who have excelled in their respective fields like Foreign Secretaries, Governors, Ambassadors. Scientists, Artists and Sports Stars, St. Joseph's Convent school has a brilliant history of over 5 decades. We are not just happy but are overwhelmed with the countless blessings God has showered on our Institution.
Contact Us
St Joseph's T.T.I For WomenM.C Road, Mandya-571401
Karnataka, India
Tel No: +91-8232-221095