Foundress profile

The Institute of the Carmelite Sisters of St. Teresa (CSST), was founded in 1887 by Mother Teresa of St. Rose of Lima (a resident of Chennai) in the town of Ernakulam in Kerala. It was a time when the vast majority of people were living in squalor and misery, and the poor were compelled to beg on the streets to earn a living. A caste ridden society was the order of the day. Mother Teresa an educationist with a spiritual and social thrust and great zeal, was convinced that all human beings are children of God with a right to live in Dignity. With the first foundation, St. Teresa's convent, Ernakulam she started a school where all types of students irrespective of their social and financial status were admitted during the short span of her life as Foundress (1887-1902) she set up an orphanage for the poor, whom society discarded, and even personally nursed the sick inmates of the convent during the epidemics at that time. A dispensary, industrial school and a Home for the aged poor, were also started. She was a pace setter, who visited even the prison and attended to the spiritual needs of the prisoner. She brought about liberation from the chains of casteism and poverty.Imbued by her spirit, the Carmelite Sisters of St. Teresa (CSST) serve in the field of education, social and health action. St Joseph's T.T.I For women, Mandya is owned and administered by the Carmelite Sisters of St. Teresa (CSST). It is inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose values were Love, Peace, Brotherhood/ Sisterhood, Equality, Joy & Service. It is a minority institution enjoying the relevant rights and privileges guaranteed by the Indian Constitution. As a Catholic and a Carmelite Institute, it tries to promote the holistic development of young people based on the integral vision of the human person, of life and of the world. The Management and the Staff, faithful to the spirit of the Foundress Mother Teresa of St. Rose of Lima, work together for the common goal of forming young people into citizens, Worthy of God and Worthy of our Nation and the World. This institution founded and administered by the C.S.S.T's is run primarily for the education of Catholic Christian women students, but it also caters to women students without distinction of caste, religion and creed.
Contact Us
St Joseph's T.T.I For WomenM.C Road, Mandya-571401
Karnataka, India
Tel No: +91-8232-221095